Falsework Chamber
The IWH Professional Body’s Falsework Chamber represents all persons involved with working at height whilst using any available falsework systems or falsework components. Falsework may incorporate access and working platforms which are used to erect and dismantle the components that make up a falsework system. Alternatively, independent scaffolding may be erected within or adjacent to the erected temporary falsework structure.
FALSEWORK means a temporary structure of combined “support work” and “formwork” which is installed to support a permanent structure and its associated service loads until such time as the permanent structure is self-supporting.
Falsework, being a temporary structure, is not usually erected for a period exceeding 2 years.
SUPPORT WORK means, a temporary structure installed to support formwork and or a permanent structure until such time as the structure is self-supporting.
FORMWORK is a temporary or permanent mould of sufficient design strength used to form and maintain the shape of the wet concrete until the concrete is set and includes forming the shape of horizontal, inclined and vertical concrete elements.
SHORING means a temporary structure that supports the sides/side cladding of an excavation or embankment and which is intended to prevent the cave-in or the collapse of the sides.
SCAFFOLD means a temporary structure, erected to provide access to and from elevated working platforms, for use by site personnel and also used to support materials and items such as small plant, tools or equipment.
Employers must ensure that all persons that install temporary works equipment understand their specific roles and are trained to:
- Identify each component and understand the function of each component.
- Safely install and make alterations to assembled components.
- Safely handle falsework components.
- Understand the safe use of each component.
- Safely dismantle the installed / erected components.
The selected falsework equipment must be fit for purpose and use. The suitability of each component and assembly of components must be specified by the temporary works designer, equipment supplier or the manufacturer of the equipment.
Inspection of each component should be carried out, by the contractor, using the relevant documentation or inspection guide. This should be done before use as well as every time prior to re-use.
The following SANS standards apply to the Falsework Industry:
SANS 10162-1:2005 – Limit-state design of hot rolled steelwork
SANS 10160-1 Basis of structural design
SANS 10160-2 Self weight and imposed loads
SANS 10160-3 Wind actions
SANS 10160-5 Basis for geotechnical design and actions
SANS 10160-8 Actions during execution
SANS 2001–CC1: Construction works (structural)
SANS 2001–CC2: Construction works (minor works)
SANS 1200 – Standard specification for civil engineering construction
SANS 10400 – The application of the National Building Regulations
SANS 50131-1 – Ladders
Terms, types, functional sizes
SANS 10163 –1 The structural use of timber
SANS 657-1 – Steel tubes for non-pressure purposes –
Part 1:
Sections for scaffolding
SANS 2001-CS1:2005 – Construction works – Part CS1:
Structural steelwork
SANS 10085 The design, erection, use and inspection of access scaffolding
Related standards (BS & EN standards as international good practice) that also exist:
In the absence of a South African Falsework Standards, a substitute Standard must be adopted, such as:
BS 5975:2008 – Code of practice for temporary works procedures and the permissible stress design of falsework or,
BS EN 12812:2004 – Falsework
Performance requirements and general design
The IWH Professional Body will issue licenses to individuals for recognition to work as
- Falsework Assistant
- Shutterhand
- Falsework Foreman
- Falsework Inspector
- Temporary Works Designer
For Falsework related enquiries, please email any of the following:
Please click here to watch the video of the IWH’s Falsework Chamber. Watch video!