The scope of this guideline document includes the effective management of the assessment and quality assurance procedure as a whole and includes the following activities:
- Criteria for CPD
- Evaluation of evidence
- Registration and re-registration of a practitioner
The CPD system functions in cycles of three-years. This period corresponds to the period of validity of the certificate and ‘Permit to Operate’ issued to the practitioner.
The three-year cycle of each practitioner commences on the anniversary of the date of which such practitioner was registered by the IWH PB, which date appears on the practitioner’s certificate of registration and ‘Permit to Operate’, and which date also constitutes the expiry date, as defined in these rules when such practitioner is required to apply for renewal of his/her registration. The date on which a practitioner has been registered is also obtainable from the IWH PB Website www.profbody.co.za, under “Validate a Practitioner”.
During each cycle of three years, every practitioner must accumulate CPD Points in order to qualify for renewal of his/her registration.
A registered practitioner may not accumulate less than the required CPD Points per registration cycle but may accumulate additional CPD points if they so wish, however the additional points cannot be transferred to the next cycle.
The total number of CPD Points consists of a fixed total of Compulsory points as well as an option to choose from a number of optional activities to make up the total of CPD points required for re-registration.
CPD can be divided into the following types:
Work at Height related Training and Assessment:
Re-Assessment against the skills for a specific work at height related designation is compulsory to ensure that the person can still execute his/her task safely and that he is still medically fit to do so. The person can also be trained on other additional NQF registered unit standards/qualifications, which will enhance his/her specific skill.
IWH PB registered LNQ Programmes:
LNQ Programmes (Learning not Qualifications) are those type of programmes recognized by the IWH PB for much-needed skills which are not registered on the NQF, but identified as an urgent need by the industry. The LNQ Programmes can also be registered as CPD activities, but the difference is that it does require a formal assessment, a portfolio of evidence, a moderation report (i.e all the same evidence as for an NQF registered programme). The Candidate will also have to be registered as an IWH PB recognized professional for a period of 3 years and will receive his certificate for that. However, if the LNQ Programme is also registered as a CPD activity, the candidate may also use his points towards re-registration after 3 years against any of the other designations he might have.
Work at Height related CPD Workshops/Seminars/Conferences/Meetings:
These types of activities can be distinguished by the fact that it will not need a formal assessment and/or portfolio. It will be compulsory though for all attendees to complete a questionnaire on how he/she perceived the specific activity and if it was worthwhile. These questionnaires should then be used to improve on or if no positive feedback is given, to retract the activity. The IWH PB can request to see these questionnaires during audits.
Other Work at Height Related Activities:
CPD points can also be allocated to those members serving the IWH PB in various capacities, such as:
- NEC and Committee Members
- Registered Assessors and Moderators
- Conducting research on behalf of the IWH
- Technical Assistance or mentoring
- Publishing Work at Height related articles/Newsletters
- Representing the IWH PB as members of other related Professional Bodies/International Bodies
These activities will be approved according to the IWH PB discretion.
Work at Height related practice
CPD points can also be allocated for serving in specific related work at height position. This will be decided by the relevant chamber and can be proved by either a letter from the employer or by the submission of a logbook. The criteria for this will be monitored strictly with its own set of rules as decided on per chamber.
Unless exempted in terms of these rules, all registered practitioners must record their CPD activities in the following manner:
Rope Access practitioners will receive an IWH PB logbook where the practitioner has to log the working hours and/or relevant activities as specified for CPD. The Logbook has to be shown to the CPD Training Provider and a copy of the final hours or activities logged will be kept as evidence/proof.
All registered practitioners should have completed the CPD Activity Log Sheet to be provided to the IWH PB to be able to be re-registered against a designation (this could also be completed by the recognized training provider) and this should indicate which CPD activities have been attended.
Registered practitioners should record individual CPD activities on a continuous basis as they occur. The upkeep of the Logbook and the logging of individual CPD activities is the responsibility of the practitioner.
Only IWH PB recognized training providers will be allowed to verify practitioners’ CPD activities, and written verification from such training provider will be recognized as sufficient evidence.
Where a CPD activity was provided by any other practitioner or organisation who is not a recognized training provider, approval of such CPD activity has to be submitted to the IWH PB Skills and Ratification Committee for approval.
The IWH BP may conduct random audits as it deems necessary and practicable, of the CPD records of all registered practitioners.
Random audits will be conducted at the IWH PB recognized training provider sites, but the IWH PB can in the event of irregularities request a registered practitioner to send, within four weeks of receiving notification to this effect, documentary evidence of his or her CPD activities.
The IWH PB must advise a registered practitioner, within 30 days after completion of an audit, of the outcome of such audit.
Although IWH PB recognized training providers will also keep evidence as proof of CPD activities of their specific enrolled practitioners, every registered practitioner must retain documentary evidence of all CPD activities undertaken during each 3-year cycle, and be able to present such evidence when requested by the IWH PB to do so. Such evidence must be retained for at least 5 years.
If during an audit a registered practitioner is assessed as having failed to meet the requirements, the record and verification documentation of such practitioner must be referred to the Skills and Ratification Committee for a decision regarding remedial steps, but such a candidate will automatically be earmarked for re-audit during the next year.
The IWH PB will send a notification regarding the required re-registration to the registered practitioner at least four months prior to his/her expiry date of registration. In the event of not being able to communicate to the practitioner via email or SMS, the training provider can also inform the practitioner via its employer that the practitioners’ registration is about to lapse.
A registered practitioner must at least three months prior to the prescribed expiry date of his/her registration, approach an IWH PB recognized training provider with his/her Logbook and/other CPD evidence and arrange to attend a re-assessment/refresher course or whatever will be necessary to be able to be re-registered as a practitioner.
The IWH PB recognized training provider will do a screening of the CPD activities and/or Logbook of the registered practitioner and advise the practitioner of the additional activities needed for re-registration. (The registered practitioner is welcome to contact the IWH PB at any times if he/she does not agree with the recognized training providers’ assessment on his/her CPD activities and/or recommendation on acquiring additional evidence).
Upon receiving all the necessary uploads from the recognized training provider, a quality check on the evidence will be conducted and the IWH PB will re-register the practitioner. A new certificate and ‘Permit to Operate’ card will be issued to the registered practitioner.
If the IWH PB is convinced that the practitioner has failed to comply with the criteria for re-registration, the applicant must be advised of the decision as well as of the implications flowing therefrom within 30 days from the date on which the decision was made.
- Only IWH PB recognized training providers can apply to offer CPD Activities unless otherwise specified by IWH PB Board.
- Recognized Training Providers have to submit potential CPD activities to the IWH PB for approval.
- The Skills & Ratification Committee will meet on a bi-monthly basis (unless urgent requests are lodged) to evaluate CPD applications for registration with the IWH PB.
- The IWH PB will require a minimal administration fee for the registration of CPD activities.
- In approving CPD activities, training providers must ensure that the following aspects are covered:
a) The activity should serve to maintain or enhance the knowledge, skills and competence of all those who participate in it.
b) The activity should meet an educational and developmental need and provide an effective learning experience for the participants.
c) The depth and breadth of the subject matter covered must be appropriate with sufficient time for discussion.
d) The subject covered should provide a balanced view and should not be unduly promotional.
e) The presenters should have proven practical and academic experience and be good communicators.
f) Evaluation forms for obtaining feedback from participants on the activity must be provided for a rating of the relevance, quality and effectiveness of the activity.
In the event of a registered practitioner not complying with the requirements of the CPD system, the IWH PB may impose any one or more of the following conditions:
- Require the registered person to follow an approved remedial programme of continuing professional development within a period prescribed by the IWH PB.
- Removing the registered person’s name from the relevant register.
The IWH PB reserves the right to change this policy and its criteria at any time at its own discretion.